Doula Care

Services & Rates

Prenatal Planning & Advocacy

  • This option is for folks who just want some additional support from a doula to learn more about their options for birth, write a birth plan, and learn about the stages of labor, positions and comfort measures.

    This can also include accompaniment to prenatal appointments, support with finding community resources, and postpartum planning.

  • Sliding scale: $15 - $45/hr for a minimum of 3 hrs.

    Billing: Every two weeks or once we wrap up, whichever happens first!

Birth Support

    • Two prenatal meetings to talk about your birth wishes, strategies for self-advocacy, basic childbirth education, postpartum planning, and fun practice with movement, positioning & comfort measures

    • Text, phone and email support throughout gestation

    • On-call coverage starting at 38 weeks

    • Affirming, continuous, therapeutic presence, advocacy, movement and comfort measures to soothe & facilitate progress during birth

    • Sensitive golden hour support through the 1-2 hours immediately after the birth

    • One postpartum visit

  • Birth Doula Support fee: $2,000


    A 50% deposit is due at or before first prenatal visit, with remainder billed at the 38-week date when hard call begins. Payment plans available if needed! Please get in touch to discuss.

    Reduced Rate Options:

    Harley offers birth support on a sliding scale of $100 - $2000 for 1-2 birthing people per year who would otherwise not be able to access doula care. Please use the Green Bottle sliding scale framework developed by Worts & Cunning as a guide.

    Other options:

    The Doula Project of Washington County Mental Health provides free prenatal, birth, and postpartum doula support to people who have Medicaid and are planning to give birth at Central Vermont Medical Center. Please contact Maria Rossi at 802-522-8637 or for more information about qualifications for the program.

    If you are planning a birth at UVM, ask your provider about the Volunteer Labor Doula Program to learn more about accessing free, on-call volunteer doula support. Ask your nurse or your provider early on in labor, or when you call to let them know you are coming in, so that you can have doula support as soon as possible during labor.

Birth Support + Intensive Postpartum Care

  • Birth support plus intensive reduced-rate doula support in the immediate postpartum!

    This option adds ten postpartum hours at a reduced rate of $25/hr, with visits planned for the first 2 - 3 weeks after birth.

  • Birth Doula Support + Intensive Postpartum Care fee: $2,250


    A 50% deposit is due at or before first prenatal visit, with remainder billed at the 38-week date when hard call begins.

    Payment plans available if needed! Please get in touch to discuss.

  • Postpartum care can include emotional support and birth storytelling, support with lactation and feeding, infant care while you rest, accompaniment to appointments, cooking, light housekeeping, care for older siblings, meal train coordination, organizing support from friends & family, and referrals to additional care.

    Postpartum support can happen months after birth, and Harley loves working with parents in any stage of their first year after birth.

  • Postpartum Support fee: $45/hr


    For short-notice respite care for 1-2 weeks, I will bill on a weekly basis and no deposit is required.

    For care planned for 2+ weeks, a 50% deposit on the total package is due before care begins, and then the remainder is billed at week 2. Payment plans available as needed.

    For returning clients (hurray!), I will bill biweekly throughout our planned time together.

    Reduced Rate Options:

    If you are looking for free care with an experienced volunteer who can connect you to a wonderful network of additional perinatal supports, contact Good Beginnings and request a Postpartum Angel!

    If you need more care than the Good Beginnings model can provide, Harley can offer care with payment plans or at a sliding scale of $15 - $45/hr to a limited number of clients per year. Please be in touch to discuss reduced rate postpartum care.

Postpartum Support

Loss & Abortion Support

    • Continuous accompaniment and support with hospital advocacy when needed

    • Phone & text support

    • Sensitive, trauma-literate, inclusive emotional and physical support

    • Light housecleaning and cooking

    • Help with community care planning

    • Accountability & accompaniment to mental health care & medical follow-up care appointments

  • Accompaniment to appointments and procedures: $5 - $100 flat rate

    Home Support: $15-$45/hour

    Reduced rate options:

    Payment plans and free care are available. Please be in touch and we can talk more about what the best way would be to support you during this time.

Free community resources for birth and postpartum care

Washington & Chittenden Counties have several amazing programs that provide reduced or free doula care for birth and postpartum, including The Doula Project, Good Beginnings, and the UVM Volunteer Labor Doula Program. Please get in touch for more info!