With you at the big thresholds

Full-spectrum doula support for pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and loss

Harley (they/them) is a full-spectrum doula who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to people experiencing pregnancy, birth, postpartum and perinatal loss.

They accompany people through each experience while supporting them to make intentional choices, access evidence-based information, create networks of community support, and protect their agency. 

Harley supports clients in Central Vermont and beyond, including homebirths in Washington & Chittenden Counties, and births at Central Vermont Medical Center, Gifford Birthing Center, University of Vermont Medical Center, and Copley Birthing Center. They are open to traveling farther on a case-by-case basis - just ask!

Full-Spectrum Doula Care

Prenatal Planning & Advocacy

Birth planning, finding community resources, navigating prenatal care, and preparing for birth and postpartum.

Birth Doula Support

Support and advocacy through pregnancy, continuous therapeutic presence and care throughout labor, birth, and the immediate postpartum. Additional option to add intensive postpartum care too!

Postpartum Doula Care

Practical support throughout the first weeks of your life with your new baby, including support for rest & healing from birth, emotional support, navigating infant care & feeding, and light housekeeping.

Abortion & Loss Support

Heart-centered care through each step, including appointment accompaniment, sensitive aftercare support, and connections to community resources.

Childbirth Education

Evidence Based Birth™️ Childbirth Education courses exploring evidence-based care, comfort measures, and advocacy during birth.

Contact Harley



Support Birth Justice